Goldsmith Studios

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How to be “Natural” in Front of the Camera…a Few Tips For Your Next Session

It's so lovely when you get to witness two people, so sure of themselves and each other, absolutely shine and make the photos all come to life.

But the reality is it can be hard, for most people once the lens is pointed at them. They freeze and start to overthink it all.(That is me, I am most people😬.) I know for me, smiles get weak and unnatural, I get anxious and frustrated, and in the end I’m usually disappointed with the results. Sound familiar? I know, but the good news is, taking photos doesn’t have to be a bad experience, and getting comfortable in front of the camera can be a little easier than you’re probably thinking.
So here's what I've learned, and what you should try to remember next time you find yourself in a session:

You do not have to smile every for every second and every picture. Your face will get tired, smiles become forced, and it gets old real fast. Relax, take smiling breaks and take deep breaths. You don't have to mean mug the camera, but you don't have to be Suzy Sunshine either.

Remember that these photos are for you, they serve as your memories. You want them to be authentic and a representation for who you are at that point in your life.

Movement is good! No need to stand still in the open, you're a human and movement is part of your everyday life. Not only does it tie everything together to look more natural, but it shows up beautifully on camera. Motion is key.

At the end of the day, these things can all break down into: Don't over think it. Be yourself and I promise your magic will follow. Also, make sure to be honest with your photographer about any reservations you may have, that way we can make our directions extra clear and be sure to walk you through these reminders in real time. I hope these tips work for you friends, and don’t feel scared to reach out and let me know when they do!

30 minutes in the freezing cold on a beautiful beach with 2 people that absolutely adore each other is sometimes all you need to create a little magic.

Ready to book now that you’ve got all your tips & tricks? Click Here to find out more info on pricing & booking.